Cuban, in love and grateful to Uruguay: "My second homeland"

The video, which went viral on the internet, was followed by hundreds of messages with good wishes, celebration of his gratitude, and personal testimonies.

José Gabriel, a Cuban in Uruguay known on TikTok as @kabio66, shared his feelings toward his host country on the platform.

In the video, recorded from a car, the boy answered questions from whoever was with him about his life in Uruguay.

Uruguay is my second home, brother, my second homeland. I love Uruguay, I am extremely grateful to Uruguay, I adore this country, I fell in love with this country. I have two homelands, Cuba and Uruguay, brother, I say it from the bottom of my heart,” he expressed in the video, where he also shared his opinion about its people: “Uruguayans in general are good people. The truth is, there are Uruguayans who despise us and there are Uruguayans who love us Cubans very much. To be honest, I have many Uruguayan friends, but overall, in conclusion, they seem like really good people to me. They are really good people, honestly," he said.

In the reactions, users celebrated their gratitude towards the host country, many welcomed them, and praised that people with such a strong desire to work and integrate were arriving. Some also shared their own experiences and feelings.

"I am Cuban, I lived in Uruguay. It is my other country, I would give my life for Uruguay and for the Uruguayan people"; "Welcome to my beautiful country. Most Uruguayans want you to be happy here"; "I appreciate your words, in Uruguay everyone is welcome with respect, we all know that emigrating is not easy. In Uruguay, by working, you can live very well from the heart"; "God gave you the opportunity to know a wonderful country"; "I am also fascinated. And they welcomed our family with love. Thank you, Uruguay"; "I am Cuban and I love this great country, its people are very nice to me, I love Uruguay and my Cuba"; "I have Cuban friends and they are divine, they are lovely people, grateful to God for meeting these charming individuals," reads among the hundreds of messages that followed the post, which currently has over 6,600 likes and has been shared more than 120,000 times.

The majority of the responses reflect an atmosphere of acceptance and coexistence, as evidenced by a comment that says: "In all countries, there will be people who make distinctions for not being from that country. We must deal with the different opinions from around the world."

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