A young person portrays the reality of Cuba.

"I bet you that I can give you 20 years and you won't find the Cuba shown on the news," he stated.

A young Cuban who goes by the name Jonhy King on the Internet shared a video in which he humorously portrays the reality of his country.

With great expressiveness and by modifying his voice, Jonhy described some of the troubles affecting the Cuban people today.

Blackout, collapse, lack of food, meager wages, Dubai prices, crappy internet, shortage, creative resistance... Stress, lies, false promises; these are just words," he said on TikTok.

The young man claimed that Cubans have been cursed with "gray beards" since January 1, 1959, and that in reality, Cuba should be called "Sheepland."

Life in Cuba is like a blind person at an orgy, she knows a punch is coming, but she can't see where from," she expressed.

"I bet you that I can give you 20 years and you won't find the Cuba that appears on the news," he stated.

Thanks to his fun videos, Jonhy King has 180 thousand followers on his Instagram account.

"You're great, I have fun with you, you have a knack for depicting the pain of Cubans," an admirer once told him.

"My brother, with you I forget all my problems for a few seconds. God bless you and may you continue to make us laugh," a man commented.

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