A young Cuban is fatally run over in Matanzas by a hit-and-run driver.

The 26-year-old victim died on Saturday around 1:00 am when a vehicle hit him and left him abandoned at the entrance of Reparto Libertad in the municipality of Colón.

 © Yamila Hernández / Facebook
Photo © Yamila Hernández / Facebook

A 26-year-old Cuban was fatally hit by a hit-and-run driver in Colón, a municipality in Matanzas.

The incident occurred last Saturday, around 1:00 am, when a bus or a car hit him and left him abandoned.

Facebook screenshot / Yamila Hernández

Yamila Hernández, the victim's wife, reported the incident on her Facebook wall and asked for help to locate the culprit.

"He left him lying there like a dog, didn't help him, and took off," he pointed out.

That happened in the stretch near the El Hawái paladar, down by the bushes, before entering the Libertad neighborhood. "I ask for justice, if they hadn't left, maybe they could have saved him," he explained.

Facebook screenshot / Yamila Hernández

Yamila remembered that her husband was only 26 years old and asked the Police to do their job and find the person who ended his life.

"Damn, what a conscience, if he has a son, a wife, damn, to leave him abandoned as if he were a stone or an insignificant object," he questioned.

In mid-February, a Yutong bus covering the Manzanillo-Havana route was struck by a Kamaz truck, whose driver fled the scene.

There were no injuries thanks to the skill of the bus driver who knew how to maneuver well when the truck invaded his lane. The incident occurred at the exit of Manzanillo, near the Las Novillas prison.

In January, a Transmetro bus driver fled the scene in Havana after colliding with a Moskvitch at the intersection of 31st and 54th streets.

"He hit this car and fled, leaving everyone at the scene without helping anyone. (The bus) is red and white, soon we will know who the heartless bus driver is who did not stop," said a witness.

A few days earlier, a Moskvitch driver fled after hitting a cyclist in Havana, on the streets Porvenir and Tejar.

"He hit a cyclist and fled. The man looked pretty bad, we helped him. Anyone with information, please comment," said a Facebook witness.

The victim was an elderly man between 60 and 70 years old, residing in the Arroyo Naranjo municipality, and was taken to the Miguel Enríquez hospital.

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