Government reveals cause of balcony collapse in El Vedado that left three injured

The collapse caused injuries to three people who were in the cafeteria below the balcony. So far, their lives are not in danger.

Derrumbe de balcón sobre cafetería de El Vedado © Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular Plaza de la Revolución / Facebook
Balcony collapses onto café in El Vedado.Photo © Municipal Assembly of People's Power Plaza de la Revolución / Facebook

Cuban authorities confirmed the cause of a collapse that occurred on Thursday night in Havana when the balcony of a first-floor residential building collapsed onto a cafeteria while customers were present.

The accident took place at El Tablazo cafeteria, located on 1st Street, between C and D, and left three injured.

Photo: Facebook / Wonderful Malecón / Carlos Espinosa Betancourt

The Municipal Assembly of People's Power of Plaza de la Revolución reported on its Facebook profile that the collapse occurred at 11:00 pm in the building, which consists of two levels.

Facebook screenshot / Wonderful Malecón / Carlos Espinosa Betancourt

"In the lower part of it is the El Tablazo cafeteria and at the time of the accident, several people were there, resulting in injuries to three adults, currently not in life-threatening condition," he noted.

Photo: Facebook / Municipal Assembly of People's Power Plaza de la Revolución

The collapse, according to information from several witnesses, was caused by the accumulation of marble slabs that the construction brigade working on the first level placed without taking into account the weight calculation it could support, leading to the structural failure," he explained.

Facebook screenshot / Municipal Assembly of People's Power Plaza de la Revolución

The incident did not cause any minor injuries or fatalities.

Photo: Facebook / Wonderful Malecon / Carlos Espinosa Betancourt

The government's version coincides with that of residents in the area, who accused the owners of the apartment of negligence. The balcony was full of rubble bags, slabs, and blocks for a repair.

Photo: Facebook / Wonderful Malecón / Carlos Espinosa Betancourt

As reported by Carlos Espinosa Betancourt in the Facebook group "Maravilloso Malecón," the three injured are being treated at Calixto García Hospital.

Photo: Facebook / Wonderful Malecon / Carlos Espinosa Betancourt

The shared images show the fire trucks at the scene, where rescuers carried out debris removal tasks.

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