Collapse in Old Havana leaves at least one person injured

However, in a note published on social media, authorities reported that there were no "injuries or human losses" to regret in the incident.

The partial collapse that occurred on Tuesday night in a building located on Monte Street between Águila and Ángeles, in Old Havana, leaves a temporary toll of one person injured, who had to be taken to a hospital center in the Cuban capital.

The incident occurred at midnight in the property located at number 427 on Monte Street, according to a post published on their social media by the Administration Council of Habana Vieja municipality.

Screenshot Facebook / Old Havana CAM

At midnight, the circulation corridor in building Monte No.427 between Águila and Ángeles collapsed. There were no injuries or human losses, municipal authorities stated.

However, images taken by residents of the area contradicted the statements made by the authorities, as at least one person was injured, as shown in photographs and videos posted by Cuban internet users.

Facebook screenshot / Edmundo Dantés Junior

Last minute: Collapse at Monte between Águila and Ángeles, Old Havana. According to reports, the rescue team is trying to extract people," reported the user identified on Facebook as Edmundo Dantés Junior.

Photographs shared by this internet user showed at least two trucks and a fire department vehicle in the place. Likewise, several police cars and motorcycles responded to the area, where a group of neighbors gathered.

Facebook screenshot / Edmundo Dantés Junior

Precisely, it was the neighbors who asked the officers of a police car to transport the young woman to the hospital. Carried on the shoulder of one of them, the young woman seemed to be unconscious.

At the time of writing this note, the identity of the young woman and her health status is unknown. Unverified reports state that the woman is a mother of two children. Neither authorities nor official media outlets are reporting any victims of a collapse for which the causes are unknown.

"At the site, firefighters and forces from the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) are working," indicated the Administration Council of the municipality of Old Havana, highlighting the presence of authorities at the site.

Screenshot Facebook / Saúl Manuel

According to what was posted by the Facebook user identified as Saúl Manuel, "several people, including children, were in the place when the collapse occurred."

A young mother of two children had to be transferred to the hospital (unconscious) in a cramped police car because there were no ambulances available," he added.

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