A building known as "El Confite" collapses in Colón, Matanzas.

The collapse occurred at the intersection of Martí and Gonzalo de Quesada streets in the city of Colón.

The roof of the building known as "El Confite" in the municipality of Colón, in Matanzas, collapsed Saturday afternoon without causing injuries or loss of human lives, according to official information.

The ruins of this building are located at the intersection of Martí and Gonzalo de Quesada streets in the city of Colón, said the officialist radio station Radio Llanura de Colón, which added that the collapse occurred around two o'clock in the afternoon.

The mentioned source added that "the facility had been disabled for some time due to its construction status, which may have worsened due to the moisture from the rains."

This collapse adds to others that have occurred in the Cuban capital, in which there have indeed been human lives lost, as well as injuries to individuals.

On Friday afternoon, the top part of a two-story house collapsed, without causing any injuries to people.

According to a video on social media, the building cracked on one side, and the crack kept getting bigger until it eventually caused the collapse of the upper structure of the property.

These incidents not only reflect the vulnerability of housing structures but also the authorities' inability to ensure the safety of citizens.

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