A mass accident leaves one dead and nine injured in Holguín.

Among the injured is a six-month-old baby.

Ambulancia frente a Hospital de Mayarí © Facebook/Emilio Rodriguez Pupo
Ambulance in front of Mayarí Hospital.Photo © Facebook/Emilio Rodriguez Pupo

A traffic accident in the municipality of Mayarí, in Holguín, resulted in one person dead and nine injured, including a six-month-old child.

The accident occurred in the vicinity of Cabonico in Mayarí, shortly after eleven in the morning, according to Facebook user Emilio Rodríguez Pupo.

According to the initial reports of the incident, everything happened "when the driver of the jeep vehicle, traveling from Holguín to Moa, lost control," stated this internet user.

In the fatal event, Yoennis Borrero Salazar, 36 years old, who was the driver of the vehicle and a resident of the municipality of Sagua de Tánamo, lost his life.

The six-month-old baby was transferred to the Pediatric Hospital in Holguín, although he did not sustain any injuries.

This internet user added that the father of the little boy, who is the result of the assisted reproduction program, was the one who helped the other passengers after the accident.

The names of the injured individuals are:

  • Mariolys Duboi García38 years old, Moa.
  • Luis Ricardo Cutiño Duboy, (6 months).
  • Ricardo Cutiño Columbié42 years old, Moa.
  • Solangel Roche García67 years old, Sagua de Tánamo.
  • Maximina Campos Ramirez, 56 years old, Sagua de Tánamo.
  • Marlenis Leyva Miranda, 55 years old, Sagua de Tánamo.
  • Ernesto Matos RamírezSagua de Tánamo.
  • Leticia Pouma Fajardo54 years old, Bayamo.
  • Marilyn Pouma Fajardo52 years old, Bayamo.

Everyone is in stable condition.

This Friday, a truck loaded with sand went off the road it was traveling on in Matanzas and ended up embedded against a tree at the edge of the road.

Reports on social media indicated that the events occurred on the Central Highway, the century-old road that crosses the island, in the section that connects the city of Matanzas with the municipality of Limonar.

While an accident involving a motorcycle and a rickshaw, also on Friday, in the town of Redención, Minas municipality, resulted in the death of a married couple and one person injured, at risk of losing an arm due to the impact and lack of medication.

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