A firefighter affected by the fire at the Giron building in Havana is recovering.

The young Harold Rodríguez Ávila suffered from heatstroke during the fire and had to be hospitalized.

Bomberos en el edificio Girón y Harold Rodriguez Avila © Consejo de la Administración Plaza de la Revolución / Facebook y Harold Rodríguez Ávila / Facebook
Firefighters at the Girón and Harold Rodriguez Avila building.Photo © Council of the Administration Plaza de la Revolución / Facebook and Harold Rodríguez Ávila / Facebook

The Cuban firefighter who was affected during the extinguishing work of the fire that occurred on Saturday at the Girón building in Havana is recovering satisfactorily.

I just spoke with the injured firefighter Harold Rodríguez Ávila, he is out of danger. "This hero is feeling ready," said the official communicator Henry Omar Pérez on Facebook.

Facebook screenshot / Henry Omar Pérez

Harold suffered from heatstroke during the fire and had to be hospitalized, although his life was not in danger.

The fire broke out on Saturday morning in the small skate park on the fifth floor of the Girón building, located at Malecón and F. The smoke was visible from several points in the city.

Governor Yanet Hernández Pérez reported that in addition to the firefighter, six other people were hospitalized, "all of whom have been discharged."

The official also added that 190 people were evacuated, including 17 minors and four disabled individuals, to centers near the burning building or to neighbors' houses.

The Girón building has a total of 132 apartments, in which 600 neighbors reside.

The Municipal Administration Council of Plaza de la Revolución stated that in the premises of the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) local 5, "those who do not require transfer to a healthcare institution, minors, and four elderly adults" were evacuated.

Around noon, the official journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso confirmed that the firefighters had controlled the fire and thanked them for their work.

According to user Carlos Espinosa Betancourt, who shared images in the Facebook group "Maravilloso Malecón", an official from the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) stated that the fire was under control, but not extinguished, due to the presence of smoke still in the area.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, as well as the head of Civil Defense, Major General Ramón Pardo Guerra, and other leaders, went to the scene of the incident.

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