Advantages of living in Puerto Rico instead of the USA: Cuban woman stirs up TikTok with her response

Her words have sparked a clash of opinions.

A Cuban woman has caused a stir on TikTok after sharing a video where she discussed the advantages of living in Puerto Rico instead of the United States. In just two days, the video has gathered more than 16 thousand likes and over 2000 comments.

In the video, the Cuban woman highlights four things in favor of living in Puerto Rico. Firstly, she mentions the absence of stress: "That stress that everyone experiences out there, it doesn't exist here, and those who have come here have felt it, they know it"; she also emphasizes the friendliness of the people on the island, stating that "the way people treat you here is lovely, something you don't find elsewhere."

The natural beauty and accessibility of the beaches and rivers are on the list of pros: "Wherever you live you will have a lovely little beach nearby, a beautiful river close by," where food also holds a prominent place: "The Puerto Rican seasoning, my love, that's something... the food has flavor. It doesn't matter if you go to a Mexican, Japanese restaurant, whatever, the food here has a taste that I can't even describe to you... you have to try it."

The reactions to the video have been varied, with some users agreeing and sharing similar experiences, while others rejected their point of view.

Since I set foot in Puerto Rico, I fell in love so much that I went four more times and now I'm moving in two weeks. Every time I go, I get choked up with emotion in my throat; "I am Cuban, I lived in the U.S. for two years, and I have been in Puerto Rico for seven years now, and I don't plan to return to the U.S."; "Better explained, impossible. There are things that money can't buy," said the first ones.

"I prefer stress with light than calm without electricity"; "I used to live with more stress in PR. I wanted to leave running. I didn't have enough money for anything!! Ended up in divorce!!"; "Some people are good and some are not. A Puerto Rican is telling you this"; "Talk about when you have electricity two days a month, Puerto Rico is beautiful, but the electricity and health services are garbage"; "Which part of PR is she talking about? Because my island is indeed beautiful, but you can't live here and people treat you poorly; there are no services, education is useless, and food is relative if you know how to cook", "I live in San Juan and the stress is horrible, especially when you get in the car, I don't know what you say and even more when the electricity goes out," others added.

Her video, which has sparked a range of opinions, was concluded by the Cuban woman with a reflection on fulfillment: "Happiness has nothing to do with external factors. Happiness is where you feel happy."

And what do you think? Do you share their perception, or do you believe it is idealistic and detached from many realities on the Island of Enchantment?

After this video, and in reaction to the controversy it sparked, he posted another one on the subject, this time using a more humorous and sarcastic tone.

What do you think?


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