If "El Tubazo" by El Chacal and Yakarta had been released in the 90s

The influencer from Bayamo, known in the world of social media as Polarih, came up with the idea of ​​transporting this song to the last decade of the past century, and the result was total madness.

Can you imagine how big a hit Cuban reggaeton would be if it had been released in the 90s? A proof of this has been nothing more and nothing less than the song "El Tubazo" by El Chacal and Yakarta.

The influencer from Bayamo, based in the Canary Islands, known in the world of social media as Polarih, came up with the idea of ​​transporting this song to the last decade of the past century, and the result was an absolute madness.

With an electric guitar and a trumpet, Polarih's version has nothing to do with the original, but it made all his followers laugh a lot.

Even DJ Unic, the Cuban producer who was behind this track by El Chacal and Yakarta, reacted humorously to their version: "Where did my classic end up. Tough dad."

This is not the only version of reggaeton songs that Polarih has done. In a salsa rhythm, he released "Te paso a buscar," one of the most popular songs by Yomil and El Dany.

However, nothing compares to "La Tuba" by Elvis Manuel in a flamenco version with the sound of a cajón included.

What do you think?


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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment.

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