Leo Messi celebrates his 37th birthday with the Argentine national team.

La Pulga shared a photo with his teammates holding a cake and took the opportunity to thank everyone for all the congratulatory messages he has received.

Lionel Messi con sus compañeros de equipo de la selección argentina © Instagram / Lionel Messi
Lionel Messi with his teammates from the Argentine national team.Photo © Instagram / Lionel Messi

Lionel Messi's 37th birthday coincided with the dates of the Copa America, and the soccer player celebrated it in the company of his Argentine national team colleagues.

On his Instagram account, La Pulga shared a photo with his teammates holding a cake and took the opportunity to thank everyone for the congratulatory messages he has received.

"Thank you very much for all the greetings and congratulations! Another year that my birthday coincides with being with the team. So just celebrating a bit and continuing to prepare for our next game. Hugs!" wrote the Argentine star alongside the snapshot.

In just one hour, Messi's post had two million likes and over 50 thousand comments, the vast majority congratulating him on this new trip around the Sun.

On June 24th, another very special congratulations came from his wife Antonela and his sons Thiago, Mateo, and Ciro through social media.

The partner of the forward of Inter Miami shared a lovely photo of the five of them together on her Instagram profile, along with a "Happy birthday, my love. We love you endlessly."

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Deneb González

Entertainment Editor at CiberCuba

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