Cuban immigrants detained during operation in Mexico.

Authorities detained 14 foreigners from Cuba, Haiti, and Venezuela. The number of detained Cuban immigrants has not been disclosed.

Cuban immigrants were detained this Tuesday during a migration control operation in the municipality of Tizayuca, in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico.

In the operation, 14 foreigners from Cuba, Haiti, and Venezuela were detained, as they were unable to provide proof of their legal stay in the country, reported the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Tizayuca.

Facebook screenshot/ Tizayuca Citizen Security Secretariat

The statement did not specify the number of Cubans detained in the immigrant screening conducted by local authorities in housing developments and residential units in the Mexican municipality.

The government agency indicated that this control is part of "strategies focused on preventing violence and crime" in the municipality and was carried out "in strict adherence to human rights."

In the operation, which verified the migration status of individuals in the Municipality of Tizayuca, elements of the Secretariat participated, in coordination with the National Institute of Migration (INM) and the National Guard (GN).

The digital site Milenio pointed out that mainly public transport vehicles from the area were registered, circulating on the Mexico-Pachuca free road, at the height of Plaza Tizara, and tours were also made in the town center.

The detained migrants were transferred to the INM delegation located in Pachuca.

According to the news outlet, "the objective of the operation is to prevent human trafficking in buses and private cars heading towards the United States."

Numerous Cubans who have left the island in recent years have arrived in Mexico with the intention of reaching the US border and applying for asylum in that country. At present, many are awaiting their CBP One appointments in different Mexican states.

At the beginning of the month, the administration of President Joe Biden put into effect an executive order that prevents migrants who cross the southern border illegally from receiving asylum in the U.S.

The president issued an order under sections 212(f) and 215(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which suspended the entry of non-citizens who illegally cross the border.

One day later, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he is seeking an agreement with the United States government so that immigrants are not returned to Mexico, following the implementation of the measure approved by Biden.

AMLO proposed an agreement between the countries of origin of migrants and the United States to address the increase in asylum requests and deportations from that country.

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