Living in Florida without a car?: TikToker shares her experience

Stop telling that to the people who are arriving because, in fact, they are driving without a license and that is insane.

A Venezuelan migrant, who shares her experience on social media under the name "hayigallery," has sparked a significant debate by stating that it is possible to live and work in Florida without needing to have a car.

Their video, which takes as its starting point a comment stating that "In Florida, you can't live without a car" and shows a day using public transportation, has received an avalanche of comments and various reactions.

Stop telling people who are arriving that, because some are even driving without a license, and that is crazy. Yes, you can live in South Florida without a car and use public transportation, which is very good. There are trains, three trains, and you can achieve it while you start working and while you are starting to make progress," reacted the lady to the widespread topic.

The migrant describes her daily journey, explaining that sometimes she takes up to three buses to get to her job with a daily pass of only $5. "Sometimes I take three buses with a $5 pass because I have to do it, and I'm not going to sit idle without working. So you'll see how I get on and off three buses to be able to get to my job," she added in her testimony where, in addition, she detailed the economic advantages of using public transportation: "If I take the train and a bus, my route is shorter, but I have to pay $11 daily. On this route, I save $6 daily, so if I multiply it by 5 days, it's some money saved."

Your message ends with advice to all those who are starting their life in the United States: "The hardest part was that you arrived here, in the United States, and now you're going to tell me that you don't have a job."

The reactions to your comment have been varied, with some applauding your determination and positive attitude, while others insist that owning a car is essential.

"Yes, you can do it, but on the day you miss the bus for any reason, you will be late for work. And those buses take a long time to arrive, so it's better to buy a car!"; "Oh mommy, it's the reality. Public transportation is really bad, the truth is you can't do without a car," some said.

"You are a great example"; "That's right, I take two trains and a bus, I make the journey faster than by car. Public transportation is fast and reliable, the sacrifice is always worth it," others defended.

And what do you think?

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