The start-up process of the Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Power Plant begins.

Cubans were not optimistic about the entry of the CTE Antonio Guiteras. "In the end, another one enters and leaves, either the same or a different one, they have already taken away even our hope."

Central Termoeléctrica (CTE) Antonio Guiteras © Periódico Adelante
Antonio Guiteras Thermal Power Plant (CTE)Photo © Adelante Newspaper

The Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Power Plant (CTE) began start-up tests after being out of service for four days due to problems with the boiler, reported the National Electric Union (UNE) through its social networks.

Although the development of this process is still in the execution phase and needs to be verified, if successful, the entry of the Guiteras Thermal Power Plant would alleviate, to some extent, the ordeal of Cuban families who see their daily lives affected by prolonged and continuous blackouts.

Facebook screenshot/Union Electric UNE

This Saturday, in addition to the Guiteras, units 6 of CTE Renté, unit 2 of CTE Santa Cruz (in the starting process), and unit 2 of CTE Felton were also out of service due to breakdowns, according to a report issued by UNE.

While unit 1 of the Santa Cruz CTE is undergoing maintenance, they indicated.

Despite the news could be good, many users expressed their concern in the comments section about the opening of this important power station.

"Those are the things that scare! Guiteras enters and Felton leaves, Renté and I don't know who else," wrote an Internet user, addressing the issue of the instability and aging of Cuban thermoelectric plants.

Another user was less optimistic, stating that they were already experiencing their third power outage of the day. "In the end, a new one comes in or maybe it's the same one coming back, they have already taken away even our hope," she said.

However, a user who analyzed the daily UNE report in detail wrote: "Guiteras only contributes 260 MW at most, where do we get the other 530 from? Oh, right, the excuse of the Blockade. If they pay, they get things, they can very well take that money from the hotel constructions that are empty 90% of the time."

This Saturday, UNE reported that the conditions do not seem promising for the late afternoon-evening schedule, where the electrical peak is concentrated. For that timeframe, when families cook their meals and spend most of their time at home, there is an estimated availability of 2,310 MW and a maximum demand of 3,100 MW, resulting in a deficit of 790 MW.

If these conditions planned by UNE continue, an outage of 860 MW is forecasted for this time.

What do you think?


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