A truck valued at one hundred thousand dollars was stolen from a Cuban man in Miami.

It is a black limited edition 2023 450 pickup truck that was stolen on 134th Avenue and 260th Street in the southwest. The owner is offering a reward.

A Cuban resident in Miami reported the theft of his truck valued at one hundred thousand dollars, which was taken from the front of his house.

The incident occurred last Tuesday, June 18th. The vehicle owner, named Rafael Hernández, was leaving for work when he saw that it had been stolen.

A security video shows three individuals, between 3:35 am and 3:45 am, lurking around the residence, located on 134th Avenue and 260th Street in the southwest. One of them broke the door camera, while the others took the vehicle, a black 2023 limited edition 450 van.

"It's a disgrace," he told Univisión 23 journalist Daniel Benítez.

Hernández, who owns a construction company, stated that his biggest concern is the lack of security in the neighborhood, and wondered anxiously what would have happened if he had left the house at the time of the robbery.

The Cuban filed a report with the Miami-Dade County Police, and is also offering $3,000 to anyone who provides information about his car, which has his company's logo on it.

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