Scheduled power outages by the Electric Company: Residents of Matanzas will experience power outages for half of July.

Of the four "blocks" that make up the province's electricity supply network, two of them will have total outages totaling 15 days (360 hours), while the other two will amount to 16 days (384 hours).

Asistentes al juego encienden sus celulares tras apagón en el estadio (imagen de referencia) © Béisbol Cubano / Rigoberto León
Attendees at the game turn on their phones after a blackout at the stadium (reference image).Photo © Cuban Baseball / Rigoberto León

The month of July begins and the Matanzas Electric Company published on its social media the schedule of power outages in "blocks" that the people of Matanzas will have to endure in the middle of summer.

Of the four "blocks" into which the province's power supply network is divided, two of them will have total disruptions totaling 15 days of blackout (360 hours), while the other two will count 16 days without power in homes (384 hours).

Facebook screenshot / José Miguel Solís

A post on the social networks by the official journalist José Miguel Solís shared the information from the Electric Company, and his analysis reveals a shocking result for the residents of Matanzas: They will spend half of July in a blackout!

At the beginning of May, the Cuban Electric Union (UNE) stated that it would fulfill "the maintenance plan until the last days of the month of June" in order to minimize disruptions in the summer, during the "population's resting months."

However, he clarified that there will also be power outages in July and August "if there are unexpected shutdowns of Generation Units." Now, with the planning of power outages in "blocks," it is evident that the promises of the UNE are worth as much as those of Miguel Diaz-Canel.

At the end of May, the ruler stated: "We will have extended maintenance works until the month of June to minimize the annoyance of power outages during the summer, especially in the months of July and August."

On his part, the director of UNE, Alfredo López Valdés, tried to show optimism by stating that "we are aware that we are experiencing major blackouts, but there is a trend towards improvement."

According to the executive, no maintenance work had been planned for any thermoelectric plant by July, which did not mean that things were going to go well. "We will have breakdowns that normally occur in the system, we will have limitations that normally occur in the system."

"In July and August, all stations will be working, unless they go out due to a breakdown," promised Diaz-Canel, who acknowledged on May 11 to the Spanish journalist Ignacio Ramonet that the Island was in a "highly complex situation regarding the energy issue."

Days after these statements, the Electric Company of Matanzas reported through its Telegram channel that it was forced to offer its customers a rotation of two hours of electricity and six of blackout per day, leaving a total of six hours of service and 18 hours of intermittent blackouts daily.

Taking as reference the "blackout levels" of those dates, in which the residents of Matanzas spent three-quarters of the day without electricity supply, the power outage schedule for July by the Matanzas Electric Company could be seen as an "improvement."

The blackout schedule for July includes the following time slots: (00:00-03:00), (03:00-06:00), (06:00-09:00), (09:00-13:00), (13:00-18:00), (18:00-21:00), and (21:00-24:00).

According to the analyzed data, all time slots have a uniform distribution of power outages, with 45 hours assigned to each time slot in each block.

The most affected will be Blocks 3 and 4 (384 hours), which include the following territories:

Block 3 (B3)

  • Guásimas and oil offices: 384 hours
  • Santa Martha to the Amphitheater: 384 hours
  • Sta. Marta-Centro Cabañas del Sol: 384 hours
  • Campestre-Campismo Bacunayagua: 384 hours
  • Pueblo Nuevo from Comercio Street to San Fernando and from Monserrate Street to San Carlos Street: 384 hours.
  • Circuit 10 from Alberto Nodarse street to Development Zone and from López Coloma plant large panel and SEPMI community: 384 hours.
  • Cítrico, La Carlota and Isabel: 384 hours
  • Cocal: 384 hours
  • Cárdenas from 22nd Street to the end of Henequenera and from García to Concha y La Calera: 384 hours.
  • Gratitude, Indio Hatuey, Máximo Gómez, and Admiration: 384 hours
  • August 6, Manguito, La Montaña, Calimete, Amarillas, Rice field plan: 384 hours.
  • Mena - Corral Nuevo: 384 hours
  • San Francisco Pueblo: 384 hours
  • Iglesias Neighborhood, Reynold García Neighborhood, Las Cuevas Branch: 384 hours
  • Gelpys-Frutas selectas: 384 hours

Block 4 (B4)

  • The Mills, EIDE: 384 hours.
  • Charcoal maker: 384 hours
  • San Juan, Triunvirato, Cidra, and Sabanilla: 384 hours
  • Citrus, Torriente, San Joaquín: 384 hours.
  • Guanábana Pueblo: 384 hours
  • Somatón, Bellotex, Las Marías: 384 hours
  • Jovellanos town circuit 2: 384 hours
  • Jovellanos village route 1: 384 hours
  • Martí-ltabo-Hoyo Colorado: 384 hours
  • Mocha: 384 hours
  • Circuits 2 and 3 of Cárdenas, Smith Comas, Litoral, 13 de Marzo: 384 hours
  • Cárdenas Calera de Chacho, from Tenería to Aranguren and from Phinney to 35th Avenue: 384 hours.
  • Jaime López: 384 hours
  • Frigorífico-Bellotex: 384 hours
  • Pueblo Nuevo-Playa: 384 hours

For their part, Blocks 1 and 2 (360 hours of impact) include the following territories:

Block 1 (B1)

  • Cítrico and Pueblo de Agramonte: 360 hours
  • Santa Martha from the Polyclinic to the Laundry and by fast route to Villa Nicaragua: 360 hours.
  • Agüica-Río Piedra, Colon Industrial, Los Arabos, Batey Monte Alto, Batey Macagua, La Paloma, San Pedro, Zorrilla, El 90: 360 hours
  • Carlos Rojas Village: 360 hours
  • Cárdenas from Salud to Pinillos, from Ayllón to Chapelín, part of the Reparto 13 Marzo: 360 hours
  • Colón Circuit 11: 360 hours
  • Cítrico and Jagüey circuits 1 and 2: 360 hours
  • Jagüey Ciudad: 360 hours
  • P. Altas-Playa: 360 hours
  • 4485 Citrus, Jagüey: 360 hours
  • Matanzas Circuit 2: 360 hours
  • Historical District Circuit 6: 360 hours
  • Armando Mestre, Quintanales, Lozano Neighborhood, Kilometer: 360 hours.
  • Sergio González and Altamisal, Perico: 360 hours
  • Australia: 360 hours
  • Villa Playa Girón: 360 hours
  • Playa Girón: 360 hours
  • Epidemiology Laboratory, Telecenter, Los Mangos: 360 hours.

Block 2 (B2)

  • Manuelito, Bolondrón, Unión de Reyes, Cabezas, Bermejas, and Alacranes: 360 hours
  • Cantel Village: 360 hours
  • Guásimas and Finca Vega: 360 hours
  • Cítrico and Sabana Grande: 360 hours
  • Compostela: 360 hours
  • Cárdenas from Záez to 42nd Avenue and from Salud Street to 26th Street and Fructuoso Neighborhood: 360 hours.
  • Playa Larga: 360 hours.
  • Guamá: 360 hours
  • Cítrico and San José de Marcos: 360 hours
  • Camilo Neighborhood: 360 hours
  • Güira-Betancourt: 360 hours
  • Calzada de San Luis to Parque Maceo and La Jaiba: 360 hours.
  • Versailles: 360 hours

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