First electrical damages reported in Granma due to Hurricane Beryl.

The Granma electric company reported that service complaints in Manzanillo are being addressed.

Poste caído en Bayamo © CMKX Radio Bayamo / Facebook / José Ortiz Benet
Post down in BayamoPhoto © CMKX Radio Bayamo / Facebook / José Ortiz Benet

Although Hurricane Beryl is still far from Cuba, the first electrical disturbances are already being reported in Granma province.

The electric company in the area reported that service complaints are being addressed in the city of Manzanillo.

Photo: Facebook / CMKX Radio Bayamo

Photos shared by the station CMKX Radio Bayamo show a fallen pole in front of some houses, several power cables detached, and numerous branches on the ground.

Photo: Facebook / CMKX Radio Bayamo

"During the passage of natural phenomena such as Hurricane Beryl, parts of the electrical grids are always affected because - mostly being overhead lines - they suffer damages from the strong winds and intense rains," the entity recalled.

Facebook screenshot / CMKX Radio Bayamo

Authorities remind customers that after the passage of the meteorological phenomenon, they should not touch fallen cables, cross areas with high water levels where energized cables may exist, or try to restore the service.

You must report service disruptions, especially when it poses a danger, to the following numbers: 188 88, 23 41 10 80, or 23 41 10 78," he detailed.

On Wednesday, local press reported the deterioration of the weather in Cabo Cruz, in the municipality of Niquero in Granma, where the waves reached heights of 1.5 to two meters and winds of 40 kilometers per hour were recorded sustained, with gusts of up to 80 kilometers per hour.

On the other hand, at Marea del Portillo beach, the worsening of the weather conditions forced the authorities to take protective measures with the tourists and workers of the well-known Marea del Portillo Hotel.

The Meteorology Institute (INSMET) warned about the imminent deterioration of meteorological conditions in eastern Cuba due to the proximity of Beryl, with winds, rains, and strong swells that will cause coastal flooding ranging from light to moderate.

During its trajectory through the seas south of eastern Cuba, an increase in winds will occur in the eastern region, which in the afternoon today could reach sustained speeds between 40 and 55 km/h with higher gusts in the south of Granma," explained INSMET.

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