Cubans share how much they spend per month in Texas: "Moving from Miami changed our lives"

A Cuban couple break down their expenses in Texas after moving from Miami.

Moving to a new city can change your life, as it happened to a Cuban couple in the United States when they moved from Miami to Texas.

In a video shared on @gendrito's TikTok account, this couple commented that living in Texas is the best option for newcomers to the United States due to the economic benefits they receive from lower living costs compared to Miami.

In the video, the Cubans detail their monthly expenses to illustrate the differences between both cities. One of the most prominent points is the cost of rent, which in Texas amounts to 700 dollars per month, a significantly lower figure than what is paid in Miami. Additionally, they mention that car insurance costs them 96 dollars per month, a price they also consider much more affordable compared to that of Miami.

The couple also address the cost of outings and entertainment, mentioning that the maximum amount they have paid at a restaurant, including tip, is 80 dollars. This figure stands out as another example of the significant savings they have experienced since their move.

Finally, they summarize their monthly expenses to a total of approximately 2,500 dollars, including all their living costs. With this video, the couple aims to encourage other newcomers to consider Texas as a viable option for settling down.

Moving from Miami to Texas changed our lives. If you are a newcomer, the best option is not Miami, it is Texas for all the benefits it brings. The cost of living is much cheaper than in Miami. They say at the beginning of the video, "We are going to tell you what it costs us to live in Texas."

In the comments, we find different reactions. "The only thing they are saving on is rent, everything else seems the same to me, no difference," "700 dollars? They must be living in a small town, in big cities like Dallas, Houston, Austin, a one-bedroom apartment is $1600," "I support them, in my case I left Miami for San Francisco and even though the city is expensive, the salary is much better. It really changed my life," "Bro, I live in Texas, honestly, I haven't seen those prices," or "That's what I pay for rent in Miami, 2500."

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor for CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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