Yordenis Ugás wants Marco Rubio to be Trump's running mate in the elections.

"I would like for you to appoint him as Secretary of State, he is super prepared politically and intellectually. Additionally, he would be the first Vice President of Hispanic descent that this country would have."

Trump y Rubio en una foto de archivo © Marco Rubio / Twitter
Trump and Rubio in an archival photo.Photo © Marco Rubio / Twitter

The Cuban boxer Yordenis Ugás expressed his desire for Donald Trump to have the Cuban-American senator Marco Rubio as his running mate in his reelection campaign.

In his opinion, if Trump wins, he should appoint Rubio as Secretary of State, which is an ideal position for him.

"It would be fantastic for me and I believe for our country and especially for our communities that have suffered, been humiliated, and been struck by communism," the boxer said on his Facebook wall.

Ugás assured that the Florida representative is very politically and intellectually prepared, and stated that Vice President Kamala Harris is in office only because she is a woman and black. "And she is being more remembered for laughing all the time in front of every issue, than for her work."

The dictatorships of Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua were up against the wall. The senator must be one of the people who understands those issues and dictatorships the most. Those dictatorships fall and millions of people would be turning to our countries to try to live not in wealth, but with a bit of dignity in our country," he emphasized.

Facebook screenshot / Yordenis Ugás

On a personal level, Yordenis Ugás would like to see a Hispanic vice president in the United States.

And most importantly. Because I am 200% pro-Cuban. I will always support my artists-my athletes-my community above all. Because our wine is bitter, but it's our wine," he concluded.

In recent months, there has been speculation that former President Trump is considering the Cuban-born politician as a possible candidate for the vice president position if he wins in November.

"We're going to pick someone who's really good, really conservative; loves law and order, low taxes, low interest rates, and borders," Trump told Newsmax on March 13th."

If the option of Rubio materializes, they will have to somehow overcome the Constitution's prohibition on voting for a president and a vice president from the same state.

"It makes sense because he ticks almost all the boxes, if they can get past the fact that they are both from Florida," said a veteran Republican agent from Florida.

In 2000, Dick Cheney, a native of Texas, changed his residence to Wyoming in order to become vice president during the term of his fellow countryman George W. Bush.

Blonde, 53 years old, and a senator for the third time, has not expressly communicated whether he is interested in the vice presidency.

The politician, son of Cuban immigrants, announced that he would support Donald Trump's candidacy in the Republican Party primaries, stating that his leadership is the only way to achieve the "extraordinary actions necessary to solve the disaster" created by Biden.

"When Trump was in the White House, I achieved important policies I had been working on for years (such as expanding the Child Tax Credit and imposing tough sanctions on the regimes in Cuba and Venezuela) because we had a President who did not give in to special interests or allow bureaucrats to block us," she recalled.

"It's time to continue with the work of beating Biden and saving the United States!" he emphasized.

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