Cuban from Miami on TikTok confrontations: "Cubans spend the whole day fighting and throwing each other under the bus."

A Cuban criticizes Cubans who, instead of focusing on their own businesses, try to discredit others in their sector.

A Cuban woman from Miami has criticized the constant rivalry and conflicts among Cubans on TikTok, where many people use this space to promote their businesses. However, user @thalia_hr comments that many do not focus on their work but on discrediting others in the same sector.

"Cubans spend the entire day fighting and throwing each other under the bus. The war of pizzas, jewelry stores, the perfume war, and let's not forget about the eyebrow and micro-pigmentation war..." Thalía begins in her video. Thalía clarifies that she is not generalizing, recognizing that there are Cubans who focus on their own affairs and thrive. However, she calls on everyone to concentrate on their own businesses instead of criticizing and discrediting others.

"They spend the whole day on TikTok throwing shade at each other, arguing about who sells better, whose prices are better, or whose certificate was bought," he commented.

The Cuban woman points out that rivalry is common among both men and women, and notes that many spend their days on TikTok criticizing each other about who offers better products or services, or the validity of their professional certificates. "Here, everyone has their own clients, there's no need to gain clients by attacking another business. We are all Cubans, we are fighting. Stop attacking each other," she concludes.

Many Cubans have agreed with Thalia in her words, commenting on the message board messages such as: "That's right, I think they do it to have their own Netflix series", "That's in Miami", "Exactly, you don't see other nationalities in those shady dealings, I don't understand why we can't get along, good video", "I'm Cuban and you are absolutely right, I give you a 100" or "You are absolutely right".

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska.

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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