Daughter of the late actor Carlos Massola thanks for the messages of affection after the death of her father

The 18-year-old woman said that she did not like some of the things she has seen posted about her father on social media.

Jessenia Queralt Massola Sablón, hija de Carlos Massola © Captura de Video/CubaNet
Jessenia Queralt Massola Sablón, daughter of Carlos MassolaPhoto © Video Capture/CubaNet

Jessenia Queralt Massola Sablón, daughter of the Cuban actor Carlos Massola, who passed away suddenly two weeks ago in Havana, called for peace in memory of her father.

The 18-year-old girl said that some of the things she has seen posted about her father on social media have not pleased her.

There are many things on social media that I have not liked. I am not well health-wise, and this has completely thrown me off balance," clarified in a video published by the independent media outlet CubaNet.

Jessenia mentioned the illnesses she suffered from, including dyslexia and hemolytic anemia, which her father helped combat by providing her with vitamins and other medications, as well as assisting her with her diet.

He took the opportunity to thank his father's friends who cared for him and did so, even some who continue to do so, for her.

She also clarified that neither she nor her family have any interest in any of her father's belongings. "We have no interest in anything, much less in my dad's things; the only thing that had value is himself, the man who was my support in every way," she stated.

The young woman said she lives humbly and works "alongside my mother and my sister to be able to support ourselves, to maintain my home."

Currently, the ashes of the actor, who passed away from hypovolemic shock in his apartment in Cerro at the age of 62 on June 3, are at his daughter's house. This was stated by Bertha Mariela Sablón Roque, former partner of Carlos Massola and mother of Jessenia.

The ashes are safe with us. The audios that were released were a result of a miscommunication between Mrs. Gladys Escandell and myself. It was kindly requested that she leave Carlos' ashes at the house, and she sent them with someone who brought them to me later. At the time of the audio, the ashes were on their way to my house, they are here, with his daughter, where they should be," the woman explained in statements to Cubanet.

Sablón Roque added that, at some point, the ashes will be taken to the sea, even though that was not Carlos Massola's last will, as he never thought of dying in Cuba. He said that his wish was to go to the United States, but his parole never came.

Massola had become an uncomfortable figure for the regime due to his denunciations of the abuses of the Cuban government, and his death was completely ignored by the cultural authorities of Cuba. No official cultural institution or state media outlet issued any statement regarding his passing.

Despite the silence in official circles, Massola received the tribute from many of his colleagues and the affection of the people, who knew how to appreciate the courage of the actor in expressing his political ideas and denouncing the government for its ineffectiveness and corruption, as well as for human rights violations and repression of freedoms.

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