A Cuban responds to how money is in the USA with a funny video: "This is how they think in Cuba we have a money tree here."

The Cuban comedian Onel Aparicio, known as El Pacho Viral, humorously responds on TikTok to the question "how's the money in the USA?"

Onel Aparicio, better known as El Pacho Viral on social media, has once again caused a sensation on TikTok with a humorous video in which he answers the question "how is money in the USA." But he has added a touch of fun that has resulted in a hilarious video that has gone viral.

In the video, we can see the Cuban comedian picking up money from a tree while humorously commenting on his situation.

"I arrived from vacation and now I have to collect money, because none of my neighbors cared to help me. I came from Cancun and now I'm thinking about where I'm going to spend this, if in the Dominican Republic or somewhere," El Pacho Viral (@elpacho_viral) starts by saying.

I have a bad back to bend down to pick up the bills. I feel like scratching until I bleed. Where do I find the 2025 car now? Has the iPhone 16 been released? I have to spend and no one helps me. And they're not even bills of one, they're 100, which are harder to spend," he adds.

The Cuban's followers have appreciated his wit and sense of humor and have reacted to the video with comments such as: "That's what all Cubans in Cuba think. Those times here in the United States are over and we know it," "The best on TikTok, dying of laughter with him," "Bro, you didn't call me or I would have helped you," "Don't cut down the plant, we'll help you pick it up," or "Many think that money is just lying around everywhere."

What is your opinion?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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