A young man who was missing has been located in Havana.

The young man who was missing resides in Calabazar, in the Havana municipality of Boyeros.

Joven cubano que estuvo en paradero desconocido © Collage redes sociales
Young Cuban who was missing.Photo © Social media collage

Eduardo Alberto Vera Rosales, a 29-year-old man who had been missing since Monday afternoon in Havana, has now been located.

"It has appeared, with God's blessing alive. It is already home. Thank you to everyone who shared," wrote digital creator Isol G on social media, who had echoed the call for help on networks.

Facebook capture/Isol G

Neither Isol G. nor other Facebook groups that reported the whereabouts of the young man have provided further details about the circumstances in which he was found.

"Be careful with the youth. We know the evil and repression of the dictatorship, but there are other serious dangers in Cuba as well. Mothers, do not neglect your children. They are in constant danger from drugs and other evils," warned a commentator in one of those groups.

"Thank God, but where were they? Why do they go missing and then reappear? What is happening? It's good to know," pointed out another internet user in reference to a rising trend: young people of both sexes who disappear for a few days and then are found alive, but it is never known in what condition or the reasons for their disappearances.

Reports of disappearances of Cubans have become increasingly frequent in recent months, as well as the publication of requests for help on social media to obtain information, all amid a context of rising violence in the country.

However, many Cubans are beginning to complain that family members turn to social media for help, and once their loved ones have been found safe and sound, they don't even update to say that they have been found and are well, beyond the fact that they reserve, with every right, details about the circumstances in which they were found or the reasons why they were unreachable.

"It's that then they appear and don't even update. It's not fair because one is human and identifies with the cases and worries," complained an internet user in one of the countless groups where requests for information about the whereabouts of people are repeatedly posted in a spirit of solidarity.

In the case of Eduardo Alberto Vera Rosales, when help was requested to locate him, it was revealed that he resides in Calabazar, in the Boyeros municipality, and that he is the father of twoyoung girls.

A publication from the portal La Tijera specified that he left his house on Monday morning and that the last time he was heard from was taking a bus on route 177 heading to Alta Habana.

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