The Cuban actor Hilario Peña, the Judge in "Do you swear to tell the truth?" is in Miami.

Hilario Peña, known for his role in “Do You Swear to Tell the Truth?”, was seen in Miami alongside Cuban actresses Beatriz Valdés, Susana Pérez, and Irela Bravo.

Actor cubano Hilario Peña en Miami ©

The renowned Cuban actor Hilario Peña, famous for his role as "El Señor Juez" in the popular humorous program of Cuban Television "¿Jura decir la verdad?", is in Miami.

Hilario Peña shared a photograph on his Facebook profile where he appears alongside the prominent Cuban actresses Beatriz Valdés, Susana Pérez, and Irela Bravo. The image was taken backstage at the Teatro Trail, where the trio of artists is presenting their comedy "Enemigas íntimas."

In the same post, Hilario Peña took the opportunity to congratulate Irela Bravo, who recently turned 71 years old. The display of affection and recognition towards his colleague has resonated with followers, who have expressed their admiration and affection for the actress, remembered for her long career in Cuban cinema and television.

"Thank you, friend," replied Irela Bravo to the applauded words of the actor.

Peña's visit to the theater and his encounter with these iconic figures of Cuban culture has generated great interest among followers in Miami and beyond, who are delighted that the actor is enjoying and sharing moments with friends in La Ciudad del Sol.

This is not the first time Hilario Peña visits Miami. In 2012, the actor performed on the stages of the city alongside part of the cast of the show "¿Jura decir la verdad?".

On that occasion, he was accompanied by comedians Geonel Martín, known as the "Secretary," and Aleanys Jáuregui, who plays "Cuqui La Mora." Both artists later decided to establish their residence in Miami.

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Yare Grau

Originally from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as a writer in the Entertainment section.

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