Wave of assaults on drivers in Havana: A family recovers their motorcycle without police assistance.

The motorcycle had GPS and its owner located it, but the Police did not want to go to the location. The family went, assuming a great risk, and they recovered it. Those involved in the theft are free.

Motoristas en Cuba © CiberCuba
Drivers in CubaPhoto © CiberCuba

A family that suffered the theft of their motorcycle in Havana had to conduct the search and go to the place where the thieves had it without any help from the police.

Henry González Armentero, a member of the Facebook group "Murasaki POWER," published the story to warn other motorcyclists about what is happening amid the wave of assaults on motorcyclists that has erupted in the country.

According to Henry, the motorcycle belongs to his sister and is driven by a family friend. On July 15, a man rented it, and during the trip, they entered an area where a person was hiding. Together, they attacked the driver, threatened him with a knife, and took the motorcycle. But the criminals did not account for the fact that the motorcycle had GPS.

"My sister went to the PNR unit in Altahabana, and in that place, what can I say, more fooling around than anything else, even after telling them where the motorcycle was. It got to the point where my sister and several friends made their way to the place where I was already located. The motorcycle was at the end of Güinera, near the Los Durísimos workshop," he detailed.

"It goes without saying the risk of going without the authorities' support. But in the end, after being ready for anything, we managed to recover the motorcycle by facing the situation head-on," he noted.

Facebook Capture / Murasaki POWER / Henry González Armentero

Henry reported that the owner of the house told them that a relative had left the motorcycle. Eventually, the police arrived and took the homeowner and the supposed relative who had brought the vehicle there into custody.

"But the most beautiful part of the case is that after they left us alone and we recovered the motorcycle on our own, today I find out that these two citizens are ¡free! Yes, as you read it! Free," the outraged complainant affirmed.

"How is it possible that people involved in motorcycle thefts are free, when there have even been fatalities in this type of crime? Where are the laws of this country? I only ask that, as motorcyclists, you share this post, because today it is us, but tomorrow this kind of people who want to live off theft can ruin anyone's life. Share so it reaches the right people and someone has the decency to at least once do the right thing," he concluded.

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