Army General (r) Raúl Castro called dictator Nicolás Maduro on Monday to congratulate him on the results of the elections in Venezuela.
"Army General Raúl Castro Ruz spoke by phone with comrade Nicolás Maduro Moros to congratulate him on the electoral victory achieved in the elections held today in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela," stated a communiqué from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba (MINREX).
The official note indicated that the nonagenarian general who controls the reins of the Cuban regime "conveyed to the elected President that the victory achieved by the Venezuelan people constitutes a resounding demonstration of the Civic-Military Union of the Bolivarian and Chavista people."
Thanks to that corrupt alliance between military and Bolivarian henchmen, designed and implemented from Havana, dictator Maduro "has resisted the negative effects of the unjust unilateral coercive measures imposed by the Government of the United States, the violent acts and interference in Venezuela's internal affairs," according to the Cuban Foreign Ministry.
"The Leader of the Cuban Revolution reaffirmed to Comrade Maduro the solidarity and affection of Cuba," concluded the brief note from the MINREX, which adds to the congratulations sent by the handful of allied foreign ministries of both non-democratic regimes, such as those of China, Russia, and Iran.
This Monday, following a voting day marked by tension and filled with violent and controversial events led by the repressive machinery of Maduro's regime, the National Electoral Council (CNE) announced Maduro's reelection.
The figures presented by the entity in service of the Chavista power contradicted by a wide margin those handled by the National Campaign Command of leader María Corina Machado and candidate Edmundo González Urrutia.
Immediately, a feeling spread among Venezuelans of having been cheated once again by rulers clinging to power and willing to deny the evident popular disaffection towards the power they usurp.
A wave of protests and rejection from the opposition and a significant portion of the population erupted at the same time that frustration spread among millions of voters who longed for and felt certain about the moment of change in Venezuela.
Now Havana breathes easy after the electoral fraud that Venezuelans and the international community feared has been carried out.
However, the initial reactions of international leaders, governments, and foreign ministries in the region and around the world suggest a complex scenario in which the authorities of Maduro's regime will have a very difficult time legitimizing their results, which are questioned due to their lack of transparency and the violations committed throughout the process, from the moment they were called until the very day of the controversial elections.
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