Limay Blanco delivers house to mother who slept with her three daughters in a porch in Pinar del Río.

Limay Blanco delivered the 40th housing unit.

The Cuban comedian Limay Blanco handed over this week the 40th house thanks to donations made through the Cristo Cambia Vidas project to a mother of three girls who was living with three children in a porch in the neighborhood of Taco Taco, in San Cristóbal, Pinar del Río province.

In a video posted on their social media, where they reviewed the thirty houses delivered so far, both Limay and the beneficiary of the house thanked the people who contributed to the purchase of the home, located in the same neighborhood where the woman spent the night with her daughters.

In another video, published a few weeks ago, Limay went with his wife Glenda and the former boxer Lino Tomasen, known as "The Cuban Iron Man," to the Taco Taco neighborhood in Pinar del Río, where they checked the conditions in which the family was surviving.

During that visit, they arrived in the town at one in the morning, in the middle of a blackout, and found the woman on the porch of an old vacant house, where the three girls aged 12, six, and one were sleeping in a small bed while their mother tried to chase away the mosquitoes.

A few meters away, the woman had the baby's cradle and the rest of her things under an avocado bush.

On that occasion, the woman explains that she was in that situation because her mother had kicked her out of the house.

After presenting the case and asking his followers for help to gather the 2,000 dollars to buy a small house in that same area, Limay clarified that if the house were purchased, he would put it in the name of one of the girls, and emphasized that, as he has learned, seven of the houses he has delivered so far have been sold.

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