A total of 19 people were injured after a passenger truck overturned in Granma.

The incident took place in the municipality of Jiguaní at around 8 in the morning (local time).

 © Facebook/CMKX Radio Bayamo
Photo © Facebook/CMKX Radio Bayamo

A total of 19 people were injured on Thursday morning after a private truck intended for passenger transport on the Jiguaní-Bayamo route in the Granma province lost control and ended up overturning, according to local media reports.

Facebook/CMKX Radio Bayamo

The incident occurred at around 8:00 a.m. on the stretch of the Central Highway known as La Palma, in the municipality of Jiguaní.

Facebook Capture/Bus & Truck Accidents

Initially, 15 injured individuals were reported who were being treated at the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes General Surgical Teaching Hospital, located in the city of Bayamo.

However, a later report from journalist Jorge Luis Ríos Frías raised the number of injured to 19.

Facebook/CMKX Radio Bayamo

"The hospital institution has the medical resources and supplies as well as health personnel for the specialized care of each of the patients," added the official source, which did not specify the clinical condition of the injured.

As of the publication of this note, the question remains about the evolution and clinical condition of the injured in the incident.

Facebook Capture/Jorge Luis Ríos Frías

In recent weeks, a growing number of serious accidents has been reported across the country, many of them resulting in fatalities.

In one of the most recent cases, two people died and several were injured in an accident in Ciego de Ávila on Wednesday night that involved a truck, also transporting passengers, and a car in which a couple and their child were traveling.

Although the population perceives an increase in traffic accidents in recent months, Cuban authorities stated at the beginning of this month that in the first half of 2024, there were 543 fewer incidents recorded in the country compared to the same period last year.

On the state television program Mesa Redonda, Colonel Roberto Rodríguez Fernández, head of the Specialized Traffic Department of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), also reported that there were 81 fewer fatalities (23%) and a reduction of 151 injuries (5%) between January and June of this year, compared to the same period in 2023.

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