Spanish woman living in the USA is surprised by not having a washing machine at home: "Here it's a convenience."

Spanish woman living in the USA notes the contrast of living in both countries.

A young Spanish woman, who currently lives in New York, has caused a sensation on TikTok by sharing a video in which she points out a notable contrast between Spain and the United States regarding the use of the washing machine.

In her video, Laura Gómez (@ggomezlaura) highlights that in Spain having a washing machine at home is something common and everyday, while in the United States this convenience is seen as a luxury for many.

In the video, the young woman expresses her surprise upon discovering that in the United States, it is common for people to take their clothes to public laundries. "Most apartments do not have a washing machine, and if they do, they are usually paid and located in the basement of the building," she comments in her post. This practice, she mentions, seems strange to her after having grown up in an environment where almost every household has a washing machine.

The comparison has resonated among many users of the platform, who have shared their own experiences and viewpoints on the differences in lifestyle and household amenities between Europe and America.

"I used to live in New York and once a week my plan was to go do laundry around the corner, I would go out with a laundry basket, have something to drink while I waited, and leave with my bag of clean clothes." "That would have been hard for me to get used to, I'm lucky that in Dallas we do have washers at home (well, the space in the floor for it had to be bought, hahahaha)." "In the USA, my mother and sister have their washer and dryer at home, probably most people don't have it, but like me for example." "How interesting! In NYC especially, it’s not very common for apartments to have them at home, but houses in Texas do have them," some users commented.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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