Cuban woman after visiting Cuba with her children for the first time: "It is the most beautiful trip I have ever taken in my life."

Cubana keeps her roots alive despite emigrating at the age of 7.

Despite emigrating at the age of 7, a Cuban who currently lives in Miami remains very connected to her roots and feels attached to her family on the island, despite the distance and the few times they have seen each other since she left. It is a connection she has kept alive and is trying to pass on to her children, whom she took to Cuba for the first time on a quick trip that she shared with her TikTok followers.

In the video, the user @alysextensions explained that her mother always maintained strong communication with her family through phone booths and letters until mobile phones arrived. Thus maintaining that family bond that made each visit to the island feel like returning home.

She recalls that, during her first pregnancy, she decided to visit Cuba so that her family could share that very special stage with her. She fondly remembers biking through her town, sharing invaluable moments with her loved ones. However, her second pregnancy coincided with the pandemic, which led to plans to travel to the island being postponed indefinitely.

This year, although they wanted to travel to Cuba, economic and organizational factors complicated their plans. However, when their father-in-law was on the island, they decided to make a quick trip. "I filled my suitcases with food and we went," he comments in the video. Despite only being able to stay for a day and a half due to work commitments, he describes the trip as spectacular.

The experience of seeing her children run on their land was especially moving for her. "It is the most beautiful journey I have ever taken in my life," she declares emotionally.

The mother concludes with a message to other parents in similar situations: "If you have children and your family doesn't know them and you have the opportunity, give them that. They may not be able to come, but we can go and give them that very special moment."

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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