"This girl was once the newcomer who was welcomed with a little nylon bag": Cuban celebrates her achievements in the U.S.

Users celebrated her effort and congratulated her for what she has achieved in such a short time.

The young Cuban Marlan, known on TikTok as @marlan_estudio, shared a video on the platform where she celebrated her achievements since arriving in the United States and the challenges she has overcome.

"This girl was once the newcomer who was welcomed with a nylon bag," she said in her post composed of several photos of her journey as a Cuban emigrant in the country.

"I didn't even want to lift my gaze because I was embarrassed by my bad appearance," she confessed about those early times, although she did acknowledge her always positive attitude: "My smile never faltered, even when I was dying inside."

Two years later, the young woman can tell her story with pride but without forgetting what she has lived through. "Two years later, the ugly duckling is no longer ashamed to lift her gaze nor does she feel inferior," she went on to say.

"I am still wearing the same bloomers that I was gifted when I arrived, but with a uniform that is from my own business," she said in the video where she spoke about her venture and how much, from Cuba, she has worked to perfect her technique designing "natural eyebrows."

"Today I am among the best because I believe I am very good at what I do," concluded this young Cuban entrepreneur, who celebrated another achievement in the United States last July: obtaining her green card.

"Only God knows how much I have wished to be in this country, to get out of the misery in which I was raised. I went through so much need that I asked all the Saints to help me leave Cuba so I could fulfill my dreams and help my family. I am a resident now. Thanks to my uncles who believed in me and helped me to become a better person. To the one who lent me the money to leave Cuba. I paid back every dollar, and now I'm making my own way here; nobody has given me anything. Thank you," she said excitedly on that occasion.

The users of the network reacted to his video with more than 10 thousand likes and hundreds of comments full of admiration and support.

"Marina is a very nice girl. She just has to learn that she can't spend her life aclarando cosas"; "You are a warrior blessed by God, an example of a woman to follow, and you are an inspiration to those of us who are arriving"; "Marlan, my greetings and respect. I have followed you since day one, and you are a woman who has shown that in this country women can move forward. For some you are arrogant, but for the majority, a warrior"; "You are a warrior, I always admire you because I am going through the same thing. It has been 8 months in this country and it has been very hard for me. Alone in Cuba I could barely get clients for nails and here it has been very difficult for me"; "I am a newcomer, and I understand you, I am going through this whole process. After 7 years of studying, I am starting from scratch here. With nothing, only God, the desire to take my daughters out of Cuba"; "You are an example to follow, I talk a lot to my daughters about you. It's just about focusing, discipline, and perseverance, and you reach the goal. Blessings"; "Congratulations, keep it up, your followers are very proud of you, thousands of blessings"; "You are authentic, you are yourself, and over time you will continue to grow little by little", it reads among the messages that have been left for her.

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