Cuban critiques popular tastes on the island: "I don’t understand why the coffee is so strong, it tastes like iron."

A Cuban reveals the things that Cubans like and that she, as a Cuban, does not consume.

A Cuban woman has sparked debate on TikTok by sharing her opinion on some of the most popular tastes among Cubans. In the video titled "Things that Cubans like and that I, as a Cuban, don't consume," this young woman who identifies as @soylilita97 candidly addresses several eating habits and drinks that, according to her, she cannot understand.

"Starting with the coffee. The coffee so strong, without sugar. What’s the need? That thing so strong that tastes like iron," he comments, questioning the love of Cubans for strong, black coffee.

The second criticism is aimed at beer. "The beer, which doesn’t taste like anything. They all taste the same," he says, showing his disapproval of this drink.

The consumption of meat and starchy vegetables is also a reason for his disapproval. "I haven't seen a Cuban who isn't an excessive consumer of meat. There are some who consume rice, but the main thing is meat and starchy vegetables. What is the need to consume so much starchy food? Not everything needs to have starchy vegetables," he states.

Rum, another emblematic drink of Cuba, is not spared from criticism either. "To me, rum tastes like iron. It tastes like rust. That sits badly in the stomach," he assures, making his dislike for this drink clear.

Finally, it asks: "Who likes bread with avocado?"

The video has generated a wave of reactions on social media, with some users supporting its perspective and others fervently defending these culinary traditions that are part of Cuban cultural identity.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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