19-year-old Cuban dies while awaiting a humanitarian visa.

The case was made known at the beginning of June, but unfortunately a humanitarian visa did not arrive in time for the young Cuban.

Yordanis Nieves Méndez, a young Cuban just 19 years old who was pleading for a humanitarian visa after medical negligence left him bedridden and in a delicate health situation, passed away on the morning of this Monday.

The influencer known as Paparazzi Cubano, who had been helping him and in contact with him and his mother, confirmed in statements to CiberCuba that after several days of being very unwell, the young man passed away at six o'clock in the morning on this August 12 "due to a lack of medical attention and negligence."

The young man was laid to rest at the Arroyo Naranjo funeral home.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. Today Yordanis passed away in the morning. I did everything I could for him to come to the United States to receive the medical treatment he needed. It hurts a lot not to fulfill my promise to him," wrote lawyer Miguel Inda-Romero on Instagram from Florida.

The lawyer added that unfortunately the process for granting humanitarian visas is very long and, in his opinion, unfair.

The journalist Javier Díaz, who reported the case in June, also mourned the death.

"Yordanis, wherever you are, we won't let you die, the free Cubans did everything possible to get you out of that oppressive system and save your life, but unfortunately the visa process is long and bureaucratic," wrote the communicator.

Javier Díaz added that many people expressed solidarity with this case and donated money and resources to the mother in Cuba so that the young man could have better living conditions.

It was at the beginning of June that the case of Yordanis Nieves was made public on social media, who had been bedridden for two years and in inhumane conditions due to a medical error during a surgery he underwent in Cuba after suffering an accident.

The botched procedure left him with a gastric tube and extreme thinness. The impossibility of treatment to restore his health was compounded by the scarcity of food and his family's poverty.

"I am asking the world for help. Please, do not let me die here, a 19-year-old boy, do not leave me in this prison," he pleaded in an emotional video published by journalist Javier Díaz that went viral on social media.

"I have no freedom, please free me, I ask you. Be humane and help me, I am asking and begging you not on my knees, because I cannot move them, if not..." he added.

"I need you to help me and not leave me to die here, please, I ask you. Get me out of this prison, this jail," the young man repeated.

In another moving video published in July, Yordanis Nieves thanked the campaign to help him led by Alain Paparazzi and pleaded for support to expedite his humanitarian visa to ensure his arrival in the United States, where a hospital had accepted his case.

"I am asking for help so that I can get out of here quickly. All the papers have been submitted, the passport has been delivered, I need your help," he said on that occasion, and reiterated that he did not want to die.

Unfortunately, the humanitarian visa did not arrive in time for Yordanis Nieves Méndez.

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