Cuban Republican from Florida denounces possible case of electoral fraud in the U.S.

The elderly woman claims she was scammed in a supposed update of the electoral roll data in Florida. Look at the details.

An elderly Cuban-American, residing in Florida and a supporter of the Republican Party, reported what could be a case of electoral fraud in Miami-Dade County.

The journalist Javier Díaz interviewed Martha, 88 years old, who has been registered as a Republican voter for 20 years and recently received the ballot with the information from the Democratic Party, without her authorization.

"For me, it's a fraud, but I'm confused because I don't know what happened. Did they make a mistake?" the elderly woman wondered.

Díaz explained that the Miami-Dade County administration has a record where there is a signed document by Martha changing her political party.

The elderly woman recalled that in June, as she was leaving a pharmacy, a man spoke to her and indicated that she needed to update her information in preparation for the upcoming electoral process in the United States.

She followed the steps she was given and now discovers that it was all a trick to turn her into a Democratic voter. It is unknown how many people may find themselves in the same situation.

These types of practices are not new in Miami-Dade County. In the 2020 electoral process, several people reported that their political affiliation had been changed without their consent.

Florida is a conservative stronghold. The southern state has one million more registered voters as Republicans than as Democrats.

Currently, there are 5.3 million active voters affiliated with the Republican Party, compared to 4.3 million registered as Democrats.

In addition, around 3.9 million voters do not identify with any political party or are affiliated with minor parties.

If you are afraid of finding yourself in Martha's situation, you should contact the authorities in your county and verify all the documentation related to your vote in the upcoming election process in the United States.

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