They locate a Cuban who was missing in Guantánamo.

The missing Cuban was a resident of the San José nursing home in the city of Guantánamo.


Jorge Luis Salfrán, a 64-year-old Cuban who escaped from a nursing home where he was interned in the city of Guantánamo, has returned to the institution, according to social media reports by journalist Miguel Reyes Mendoza, who had previously requested help for his location.

The communicator indicated that, according to the testimony of Dr. Marcos Mustelier, Salfrán was at the home of some relatives in a village in La Maya, in the province of Santiago de Cuba.

Facebook Capture/Miguel Noticias

Jorge Luis Salfrán had escaped from the San José nursing home since the end of July.

When asking for citizen collaboration to locate him, Dr. Mustelier had indicated that the elderly man was strong and that, although he is an alcoholic patient, he is of sound mind and does not suffer from any illness.

According to the doctor, before fleeing, Salfrán had stated "that he did not want to be there anymore," but that if the family did not pick him up, the institution could not discharge him.

Finally, the Cuban escaped the asylum the day before his birthday, which is located at km 2½ of the Caimanera road.

Reports of disappearances of Cubans are becoming more frequent in recent months, as well as the publication of requests for help on social media to obtain information, all in the midst of a context of increasing violence in the country.

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