Havana without water due to lack of pumping equipment and electricity.

The identified problems are closely linked to the shortage of hydraulic infrastructure resources and interruptions in the electricity supply. The question is, when will the regime solve the situation?

Persisten los problemas en la capital de Cuba © Tribuna de La Habana
Problems persist in the capital of Cuba.Photo © Tribuna de La Habana

Havana is facing a severe water supply crisis due to a lack of pumping equipment and instability in the electric supply, while the Cuban regime maintains its multimillion-dollar investments in the tourism sector.

Thousands of citizens in the capital suffer from frequent interruptions in access to the vital liquid, but the causes were unknown until this Wednesday when Antonio Rodríguez Rodríguez, president of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRH), "came forward."

According to the local weekly Tribuna de La Habana, Rodríguez explained that the identified problems are closely linked to the scarcity of hydraulic infrastructure resources and interruptions in the electricity supply, which has further complicated the situation.

In an effort to calm the spirits, the president of the INRH said that it is expected that the necessary equipment will arrive between September and December, which will allow for an improvement in service and its extension to currently underserved areas.

Additionally, he emphasized the importance of maintaining transparent communication with the population, informing them about the causes of the irregularities and the ongoing actions to restore the service.

However, he forgot to keep the people informed during the last few weeks, even months. Because of this, complaints have not ceased on social media, and the residents of the El Vedado neighborhood reported - through that channel - the shortages they are experiencing.

Residents blame the state company Aguas de La Habana for the complex situation in the capital and warn that there may be consequences if they do not resolve this crisis, because Cubans "are not weevils."

It is worth noting that since July 21, residents of El Vedado and other areas have been facing a severe water crisis due to a failure in the 110,000v electrical transmission lines that supply the well field of the Cuenca Sur source.

The outlet itself published a report the day before about the community of La Aurora, located on the outskirts of Santiago de las Vegas, where it explains that there was a serious problem with the water supply, but that work is now being done on a solution.

The problem is not new either. In March, residents of Santa Fe, in the municipality of Guanabacoa, raised their voices about this situation and only found indifference from the authorities.

A regime official in Havana told him that the reservoirs were dry, so the gentleman went to the Communist Party, the municipal delegate, and other leaders in his area, from whom he received advice: "Don't go anywhere else," he reported to the independent digital newspaper 14ymedio.

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