Exit from the block system of the Nuevitas thermoelectric plant.

The plant will be out of service at least until Friday evening for boiler cleaning and other maintenance actions.

Termoeléctrica de Nuevitas © CTE Nuevitas / Facebook
Nuevitas Thermoelectric PlantPhoto © CTE Nuevitas / Facebook

The thermoelectric power plant (CTE) 10 de Octubre, located in Nuevitas, Camagüey, announced the outage of one of its three units for maintenance work, with priority given to the boiler.

According to the CTE's report on its Facebook account, it was decided on Tuesday morning to take block number 6 out of the system, and as a critical path (most important work), it was determined that the boiler needed to be cleaned.

Facebook capture / CTE Nuevitas

"From the moment of its departure, some works and preparation actions for the rest of the maintenance are carried out," the note adds.

According to the information, the objective is to return the block with greater stability and efficiency for the peak hours next Friday.

"How disgusting everything is, for God's sake, how long will the same old story go on. That's not working for them anymore," stated a resident of Avila in the comments section of the post.

"How disgusting they are, it looks like a junkyard and the ones who work there are nothing but a bunch of useless people," questioned a man.

"What they have set up is a power plant that disgusts all the thermoelectrics," assured a computer scientist.

The shutdown of the block at the Nuevitas plant adds to that of the Felton thermoelectric plant in Holguín, due to a puncture in the boiler that is unknown how long it will take to be repaired.

A total of four thermoelectric units are out of service due to breakdowns, which resulted in outages on Tuesday due to a deficit of 1,135 MW, higher than the forecasted 940 MW.

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