The Council for the Anti-Communist War issues a statement about the incident in which Manuel Milanés was injured.

The Cuban economist, entrepreneur, and YouTuber Manuel Milanés, leader of the Council for the Anti-Communist War, is recovering in a hospital in Fort Myer.

Manuel Milanés © Facebook/Manuel Milanés (foto: Wenceslao Cruz)
Manuel MilanésPhoto © Facebook/Manuel Milanés (photo: Wenceslao Cruz)

The Council for the Anti-Communist War issued an official statement in the last hours describing the incident that occurred this Thursday, in which the leader of that organization, the Cuban Manuel Milánes, was injured, and denied that it was an assassination attempt.

"This morning in the city of Ave Maria, residence of our director Manuel Milanés, some violent events occurred in front of his house. In an apparent domestic violence dispute, an individual attacked his partner or ex-partner who was with several children in her car. The individual fired two shots at the car in front of Manuel Milanés's house, who first called the police and then stepped outside in his pajamas to defend the attacked family," the statement describes.

The note adds that the subject - who was "unknown to Manuel" - fired a shot at the well-known opponent, businessman, and economist of Cuban origin, and immediately fled the scene.

"After crashing his car during the escape, he continued on foot and was caught by the sheriff's office, which used helicopters and high technology to locate him hiding in the water of a swamp," the document adds, which then regretted initial reports in some media that pointed to an "attack."

"With great regret, we have noticed that the independent press on social media has published falsehoods about the event, and their stories have always placed Mr. Milanés at a disadvantage. Manuel's brave attitude in defending the family, just as he preaches day by day, only deserves respect and admiration," concludes the publication.

The document -which did not provide details about Milanés' current physical condition- was signed by Luis Pérez, Wilfredo Beira, and Raúl Ruiz, members of the board of the aforementioned exile organization.

The Council for Anti-Communist War presents itself on its website as "a political-military organization formed to work in social media both inside and outside Cuban territory, adhering to the laws of foreign countries where it is established to achieve the liberation of Cuba from the oppressive forces of Communism."

The official statement regarding the case confirms the version that local media from the United States and journalists like Mario Vallejo have reported in recent hours.

Local sheriff Kevin Rambosk identified the assailant, 26 years old, as Hilberto Callejas.

Rambosk indicated that the altercation occurred around 9 in the morning this Thursday in the mentioned locality of Collier County, Florida, and specified that the injured party, namely Milanés, received a shot in the shoulder.

The gunman now faces multiple charges, including aggravated assault with a firearm, aggravated battery, shooting at an occupied vehicle, and child abuse, among others.

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