Kamala Harris accepts the Democratic nomination for the presidency of the U.S.: "We are not going back."

Harris warned about the risks that a possible return of Donald Trump to the presidency would entail.

Kamala Harris officially accepted the presidential nomination from the Democratic Party this Thursday during the national convention held at the United Center in Chicago.

"In the name of all those whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on Earth, I accept your nomination to be President of the United States of America," can be read today on his X profile.

In the speech in which she accepted her party's presidential nomination, Harris distanced herself from the policies of her Republican rival, Donald Trump, and promised an approach based on defending democratic values and human rights.

Harris accused of wanting to "reverse" the progress of the United States and stated that the consequences of bringing Donald Trump back to the White House "are extremely serious."

He highlighted the multiple legal cases Trump is facing and criticized his proposals to give tax advantages to the wealthy.

"We know what a second term of Trump would look like," Harris warned before proclaiming: "We are not going backwards! We are not going backwards!"

Those words resonated strongly among the thousands of attendees, who began to chant the phrase, which became a central slogan of the Harris presidential campaign.

The current vice president dedicated part of her speech to immigration reform and assured that the United States can regularize the more than eleven million undocumented migrants living in the country while securing the border with Mexico.

"I believe we can do justice to our heritage as a nation of migrants and reform our broken immigration system," Harris said before a crowd that cheered her on.

During her speech, Harris addressed her roots and the journey that led her to become a lawyer, prosecutor, and now the second most powerful person in the country, a story she used to connect with the middle class and the most disadvantaged sectors.

"The middle class is where I come from, and it will be a fundamental objective of my presidency," she emphasized, highlighting the importance of rebuilding this sector as a pillar of her mandate. The now presidential candidate stressed her commitment to unite the nation around its common aspirations and overcome the divisions that have characterized recent years.

Foreign policy

Regarding foreign policy, the now Democratic candidate reaffirmed her support for Ukraine and her aspiration to strengthen international alliances.

"As president, I will stand firm with Ukraine and our NATO allies," she stated, while underscoring her intention to counter any threat to stability in Europe.

"I will not be friendly with tyrants and dictators like Kim Jong-un, who are hoping for Trump to win," he expressed.

The conflict in Gaza was another highlighted topic in her speech. Harris expressed her unwavering support for Israel's right to defend itself while also acknowledging the humanitarian situation that the war has caused in the region.

Kamala Harris concluded her speech making a call for unity and progress, promising to be a president who guides the country towards a more inclusive and prosperous future.

"I will be a president who unites us around our highest aspirations. A president who guides and listens," she stated.

Daughter of a Jamaican father and an Indian mother, Kamala Harris has already made history as the first woman and person of Afro-American and South Asian descent to serve as the Vice President of the country. Now she seeks to make another milestone by becoming the first President of the United States.

Reactions from key democratic voices

Hours before his acceptance speech for the Democratic nomination, President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden spoke on the phone with Kamala Harris to express their support.

"Jill and I just spoke with Kamala Harris. We are looking forward to seeing her accept this historic nomination. Kamala and Tim (Walz) will inspire a generation and guide us into the future," Biden wrote in a message on the social network X, accompanied by a photo of him and his wife holding a phone while watching the convention broadcast on a television.

"Tonight, Kamala Harris showed the world what I know to be true. She has been ready from day one to be president and represents the best of the United States. Let's get to work," wrote Barack Obama on X.

"What an inspiring and historic night, a true representation of what it means to be an American! Kamala Harris delivered a passionate and powerful speech tonight that showed the country and the world that she is ready to lead us forward. She did her part with grace, strength, and determination. And now it’s up to us, regardless of our political identity, to do the same," wrote an enthusiastic Michelle Obama on the mentioned social network.

"Each of us must do what we know in our hearts is right. We must vote as if our lives depended on it. We must mobilize our neighbors and communities. And we must start now. Let’s not wait. We cannot allow this momentum to die," he added.

"The future is already here. We just have to unlock it," wrote Hillary Clinton much more succinctly on X, along with an image of the Democratic candidate.

Former President Bill Clinton also spoke, reaffirming his support for Harris and highlighting the importance of the upcoming elections.

"Leadership matters. Elections matter. And Kamala Harris is the leader who can unite us and move us forward," Clinton said.

With just under two and a half months to go until the elections on November 5, Kamala Harris faces the challenge of consolidating voter support and convincing the American nation of her ability to lead a deeply divided country.

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