Details of the alleged perpetrators of the quadruple murder in Ceballos have been revealed.

The detainees are twin brothers aged 26. One was a cook in a school and helped the father of the murdered child on his farm. During the crime, one million CUP and clothes belonging to the minor were stolen, for his own child.

Cuatro personas asesinadas en Ceballos © Redes sociales
Four people killed in Ceballos.Photo © Social media

As the days go by, details are emerging about the massacre that took place on Saturday in the Avila town of Ceballos, where two mothers and their respective underage children were murdered, an event that has shocked all of Cuba.

On Sunday, it was reported that two young brothers have been arrested as presumed authors of the crime, identified as Luis Enrique and Leudys Romero Daudinot, who worked in the area and allegedly entered the home of one of the two families to steal.

Now the activist Lara Crofs revealed on her Facebook profile that the detainees, both 26 years old (they are twins), lived in the same Ceballos, in a block parallel to where the events took place. "They are from the 26 de julio neighborhood," she specified.

"Leudys works at a cooking school and in the afternoons or during the shifts when he didn't work, he assisted the child's father [murdered] on the farm. The other brother, Luis Enrique, had been in prison in Canaleta for five months awaiting trial," he detailed.

"A Leudys was charged one million CUP for the clothes of the three-year-old boy that he had stolen for his own son who is almost the same age, and his clothes were blood-stained," he added.

According to the post, the people of Ceballos stood for hours in front of the Police station, asking for the brothers to be handed over so they could take justice into their own hands. "The Police prohibited filming and taking photos under threat," he added.

The initial information about the brothers, provided by the independent portal CubaNet, mentioned the Romero Daudinot brothers and a third young man named Esney Fonseca.

This Monday, the communicator Niover Licea, known on social media as "Nio reporting a crime," shared a video on his Instagram account in which Esney denies any relationship with the crime.

In light of the shock caused by the quadruple murder that occurred on Saturday in the town of Ceballos, the state-run press, which usually tends to ignore cases of murder and other serious crimes, had no choice but to speak out.

The weekly Invasor shared a brief editorial in which it reveals the names and ages of the victims.

"Among the deceased is Richard Dariel Núñez, a four-year-old child. The other victims of the crime are named Lester Rivadeneira Rodríguez, a 17-year-old; Yamila Reyes Tamayo, 29; and Raysa Rodríguez Pérez de Corcho, 50," he detailed.

Although the newspaper did not specify the family relationships of the victims, it was confirmed that they are two families. Yamila Reyes (29 years old) was the mother of little Richard Dariel, and Raysa Rodríguez (50 years old) was the mother of the teenager Lester Rivadeneira.

According to a neighbor, the incident occurred on Saturday between 6:00 and 7:00 am, after the father of the four-year-old boy left to work on his farm.

"Apparently, they broke in to steal some money that the man had from some sales," said the source on condition of anonymity.

Raysa and her son Lester were in the next house, and upon hearing the screams of their neighbors, they went to help them and were also massacred.

Everything happened in the "old bakery" neighborhood of Ceballos. The neighbor said that the thieves were hiding in an abandoned house in front of Yamila and her husband's home.

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