Yomil Hidalgo: "On a day like today in 2015, the most complete duo of Cuban reggaeton was created."

On his Instagram, the Cuban reggaeton artist fondly recalled the ninth anniversary of his group Yomil y El Dany.

August 27 is a day that Yomil Hidalgo will always treasure; in 2015, he created, along with El Dany, one of the duos that has left a mark among lovers of the urban genre in Cuba.

On his Instagram, the Cuban reggaeton artist fondly remembered the date, satisfied and proud of everything that has been achieved in these nine years, first together and then on his own after the passing of his partner, although he has never given up the name Yomil and El Dany in his group.

"On a day like today in 2015, the most complete duo of Cuban reggaeton, Yomil and El Dany, was formed, creating a before and after in Cuban music. Thanks to everyone who, in one way or another, has contributed their grain of sand, but we will continue to defend the legacy forever. It's been nine years; it sounds easy, but it's extremely difficult to maintain something like this, and here we are," assured the reggaeton artist.

Yomil accompanied his post with several snippets of songs from the duo that were musical hits and have become part of history.

"I left out many topics, let me know which ones I missed," he requested in the comments to his followers.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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