"We are alive by miracle": A lightning strike hits a room where a Cuban mother was sleeping with her baby in Florida.

The incident occurred in West Park, in Broward County.


A family of Cuban origin, residing in West Park, in Broward County, Florida, experienced moments of anguish when a lightning strike hit their property on the morning of this Tuesday, severely damaging part of the structure of their home.

The incident occurred during a brief storm that affected the area, where at least 12 lightning strikes were recorded, according to data from Telemundo 51 radar.

The lightning struck the entrance of the electrical wiring of the house, known as weather head in English, and caused visible damage in one of the rooms.

At the time of the incident, Yamileidy González was sleeping in the room with her one-year-old baby, Jeidrian.

Everything happened very close to the baby's crib.

"The crib was here, pinned against the wall and the child was sleeping," González told the aforementioned media outlet while pointing to a hole in the ceiling right above the crib.

The electric discharge traveled down the wall wiring, causing serious damage to the room.

"When I felt the explosion, the first thing I did was grab my baby in my arms and run out. From the door, I saw the hole and thought: 'We are alive by a miracle because that lightning could have struck the child.'”

The head of the family, Adrián Sosa, said that his greatest concern was that his family was well, and that the material things could be recovered later.

From the outside of the house, the damage is also noticeable.

"We'll see with the insurance, if not, I'll pay for it," he commented while assessing the damage to the structure and the fence of the house they had acquired less than two years ago.

When the Broward County firefighters arrived at the scene, they confirmed that the damage was due to the lightning strike.

In 2023, Florida recorded approximately 6,000 insurance claims for damage caused by lightning, highlighting the frequency of such incidents in the state.

Despite the damage to their property and the electrical system of the house, Yamileidy and Adrián are grateful that both they and their young son are safe and can share the experience, which could have ended in tragedy.

"We are alive by a miracle," concluded Yamileidy.

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