"I am happy to be here, but how I miss my country": Cuban in the USA moves social media.

"I don't mean to say that I want to go to Cuba to live, nor that I regret having come, nor that I am ungrateful or anything, gentlemen; it's simply what one carries inside that you can't hide."

An emotional video shared by a Cuban user on TikTok has touched the hearts of thousands of people, addressing the nostalgia that many emigrants feel while being away from their country.

In the video, which already has more than 4,600 likes and hundreds of comments, the young Cuban reflected on the longing for her homeland, despite the gratitude she feels for building a better future in the United States.

"I feel so sad, I know it's a process and that over time one adapts, but I can't help but miss what I've left behind," Karmen Susana (@krmensu on social media) shared at the beginning of her heartfelt reflection.

In his words, he referred to how many people believe that leaving Cuba will bring them immediate happiness, but upon arriving in another place, things are not that simple: “In Cuba, one thinks that eating and getting clothes is everything, but once you get here and have everything you’ve always wanted, you realize that you start to miss what you can’t have here.”

Although he does not fail to recognize the opportunities that the North American country has provided him, he misses the warmth and closeness of his people on the island. "We were born in a country where humanity, warmth, family, and feelings prevail above all that we do not have," he said nostalgically in his post, which included the eloquent phrase, "Sometimes I wake up and feel like I don't belong here, how do you take out everything you lived for so many years, so many memories of a life... oh my Cubita, how you hurt."

However, she does not hesitate to clarify that she does not regret having emigrated: "I risked my life and that of my children to come to this country. I am grateful, but how I miss my country, how I miss my people, my neighbors. Sometimes I wake up and feel that I don't belong here."

Network users have not taken long to react, many sharing their own experiences and feelings. "Thank God your children are going to study here"; "I've been in Europe for 10 years and, although I've adapted, every time I see memories of Cuba, I feel immense joy"; "It's as you say, you miss your homeland"; "We come to improve and have a better future, but our hearts shrink when we think of the loved ones we left behind"; "This material part will never fill the spiritual joy of being next to your own and stepping on the land that saw you born"; "Everything is missed, from family to neighbors, even if you have everything you dreamed of here," many commented, where not everyone expressed the same sentiment as some users stated that they miss nothing from Cuba.

The video has sparked a deep debate among Cuban emigrants about feelings, nostalgia, doubts, and the long process of adapting to a new country when so much has been left behind.

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