"I got a lump in my throat": Cuban after finding products from "her land" in a Latin market in the USA.

Despite the joy, the nostalgia, and the pain for what her loved ones endure on the island left her with "mixed feelings."

Yuliet Mijenes, a Cuban who has been living in the United States for a year, shared on TikTok an experience that stirred mixed emotions in her. In her video, she described how visiting a Latin market made her feel a blend of joy and sadness as she saw products that reminded her of her homeland.

"When they go to a Latin market and come across products that remind them of their country... I don't know if it has happened to you that you feel a knot in your throat," commented @ym.scpa, visibly emotional in her video where she shared that her reaction was due to both the fact that many of those products are no longer found in Cuba and that for her family, eating them would be a luxury. "I have no words to explain what I felt today," she added.

Among the products that took her back to her childhood, she mentioned a bread stick (flauta), tamales, sweet Festival cookies, Pellys with ham, and even Lux soap. "It was a joy to see products that reminded me of my homeland, many with my flag," added the Cuban, who acknowledged that finding them also caused her deep nostalgia.

Your video has touched the hearts of many users who felt identified with your words: "I understand you, I'm from Venezuela and in my country there is everything, but it's expensive, therefore it's a luxury"; "I cried when I went to Houston and had a Cuban pizza, a tamale, and a mamey shake"; "When they ask me what I want them to bring me from there, I already know I want Pellys with ham"; "Wow, how nice"; "It gives you a nostalgia," "Total support!" they left in the comments.

The testimony of this young Cuban mother - who has expressed pride on more than one occasion regarding what she has achieved in the country - adds to that of many other Cuban emigrants, who share their feelings and reactions on social media regarding the 'first times' in other countries or the impact of the sad contrast between what they can enjoy outside their country and the harsh reality their loved ones face in Cuba.

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