A young Cuban is surprised with a farewell party before leaving the island: "You didn't expect this"

A young Cuban was moved to tears upon discovering the surprise farewell party that his family and friends organized for him in Ciego de Ávila before emigrating.

A young Cuban could not hold back his tears upon discovering the farewell surprise that his family and friends had prepared for him before leaving the island to seek a better future in another country. An emotional moment of which we became accomplices thanks to the mother of this young Cuban, who identifies as @eymcuba on TikTok.

According to this proud mother, the scene took place in Chambas, Ciego de Ávila, where there was music, balloons, and a lot of emotion in this farewell that went viral on social media.

"Look at your people, you didn't expect this," his mother tells him, as the young man's friends arrive playing different percussion instruments.

In response to the moving images of this surprise, users commented: "Goodbyes that reach the soul," "That is Cuba. That is friendship, that is life, we are unique... great everyone, you made me cry from the heart, I say it, blessings to all," "The pain of goodbyes for Cubans is understood only by Cubans. The separation is very sad. Everything beautiful," or "Wow, what a lovely farewell. Only we Cubans cry over these goodbyes, because we fight to escape the martyrdom we live, but inside we die a slow death from the pain of leaving our people."

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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