An elderly Cuban resident in the Diez de Octubre municipality, Havana, has been reported missing after escaping from his home last Thursday.
The man's name is Juan Miguel, he is suffering from nerves and lives in the Santos Suárez neighborhood, on San Julio street, between Santa Irene and San Bernardino.
"He is sick with nerves; please share. Daughter's number: 58751981," said the internet user Jorge Luis Boudet in the Facebook group "Revolico En Santo Suárez (Rich Cuban)."
Boudet is the son of a woman who cares for the lost elderly man, but she is only with him until 5:00 pm.
"After that time, he is left alone," she specified in a message shared in the Facebook group "Cuban Mothers for a Better World."
Boudet specified that Juan Miguel was last seen around 7:00 pm.
The disappearances of individuals with mental or chronic illnesses have increased in Cuba in recent times, due to the lack of medications that destabilizes these patients and affects their normal behavior.
Relatives turn to social media to raise awareness of cases and gather help to find them, given the inefficiency of the authorities and the lack of an official channel to assist in the search.
At the end of August, a 61-year-old man disappeared from his home for several days until he was found safe and sound, although somewhat disoriented, trying to enter his workplace.
His son explained that the elderly man suffers from diabetes and hypertension, and had expressed his concern, "as he is an insulin-dependent patient and is not taking his medication."
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