Police seize firearms and arrest Cubans who were robbing in Havana.

In a report to praise the work of the Cuban police, this case of robbery against a Cuban couple was showcased.

Two Cubans were arrested by the police following a report of their possible involvement in a robbery in the Diez de Octubre municipality, Havana, where they used knives to steal from a couple.

During the robbery, "several items and objects of considerable value" were stolen from them, according to a report from the state-run Canal Caribe, which did not specify the date of the theft.

With the aim of praising the work of the Cuban police, the mentioned report discusses the rapid action of the agents to resolve the case.

"The process was quick, when we filed the report, about three days later, they called me to identify him because a composite drawing had already been created and I was able to identify him," said one of the complainants.

The supposed thieves were found with a homemade weapon and a revolver. Neither of them was functional for firing, the report clarifies. Additionally, one of the suspects had a criminal record.

The two accused were found guilty of the crime of robbery with violence and intimidation against individuals, as well as illegal possession and carrying of weapons or explosives. Previously, the prosecutor's office had already approved the precautionary measure of provisional imprisonment for them.

Despite the presentation of the case, the regime's spokespersons did not explain the years received by the two criminals, although they did say that "after the trial, according to the victim herself, she felt more at ease knowing that the accused will not be on the streets for a long time."

Lieutenant Colonel Osmany Alfonso Ruiz, deputy chief of the 100 and Aldabó Department, one of the most well-known prisons on the island for the application of repressive methods, acknowledged that “100% of the incidents are not clarified,” and expressed that “they would like to achieve perfection, but I can at least tell you that the incidents of robbery with violence, of great magnitude, with significant social repercussions, are almost always clarified.”

The Cuban government acknowledged last June the worrying increase in criminal violence on the island, including the use of firearms.

The first Colonel Eddy Sierra Arias, head of the General Directorate of the National Revolutionary Police, stated on the program Mesa Redonda that the deterioration of ethical values is contributing to the increase in criminal activity in the country.

"The fundamental manifestations, although they are not the only ones, are the acts against property, the thefts in homes, the incidents linked to the theft of cell phones, motorcycles, and the belongings in general of the affected population," explained Sierra Arias.

Complaints about this alarming negative indicator of Cuban society are recurrent on social media, as was the recent case of a Cuban woman who offered a reward of 100 dollars to anyone who returned her bag, which was stolen while she was attending the Virgen del Camino fair in Havana.

The victim of the robbery had her mobile phone and personal documents in her bag, including the identity cards of both herself and her son.

In a street in Cárdenas, Matanzas, a 70-year-old woman was robbed of a necklace, some earrings, and a ring.

Tourists are also targets for criminals. Such was the case of a Canadian tourist who had her belongings stolen at the Marea del Portillo hotel in Manzanillo, Granma.

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