Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori dies.

The news was confirmed by her daughter on social media, accompanied by a farewell message.

 Alberto Fujimori © Facebook / Alberto Fujimori
Alberto FujimoriPhoto © Facebook / Alberto Fujimori

Alberto Fujimori, former president of Peru (1990 - 2000), passed away this Wednesday at the age of 86 after a prolonged battle with cancer.

The news was confirmed by his daughter, Keiko Fujimori, in a post on the social network X: “After a long battle against cancer, our father, Alberto Fujimori, has just departed to meet the Lord.”

He added: "We ask those who appreciated him to join us in a prayer for the eternal rest of his soul. Thank you for so much, dad!"

According to the news newspaper El País, the former president Fujimori, who ruled Peru with an iron fist in the 1990s, was staying at his daughter's house in the Lima district of San Borja.

The former president, sentenced to 25 years in prison as an indirect responsible for the Barrios Altos and La Cantuta massacres, was released in December 2023 following a ruling by the Constitutional Court that confirmed a humanitarian pardon granted in 2017.

This resolution violated an order from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Corte IDH), placing the Government in a position of contempt before the inter-American system.

The former president was pardoned by former president Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, shortly after the then-ruler escaped being ousted by Congress thanks to the support of dissident legislators from the Fuerza Popular party, led by former presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori.

Kuczynski, cornered by corruption accusations and reports of vote-buying in Congress, resigned in March 2018, and the vice president Martín Vizcarra assumed power.

During this year, Fujimori shared a series of videos on social media in an attempt to improve his image regarding several events involving him.

In addition, he joined the political organization led by his daughter. It was in July when Keiko declared that her father would be the main representative of Fujimorismo for the general elections of 2026, pointed out El País.

Six years ago, former Peruvian president Fujimori, after being pardoned for a conviction for human rights abuses, announced that doctors had detected a tumor in one of his lungs and ruled out returning to political activity.

At that time, the former president, in statements to a local television channel, also stated that the struggle of his children and political heirs for control of the largest opposition party "is temporary."

"I have been detected with a small tumor in one of my lungs (...) fortunately, the tumor markers are normal. I must be under observation every four months," said Fujimori, at that time 79 years old, in front of the facilities of the state-run National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases located in a district of Lima.

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