Cuban in the USA reacts to criticisms: "Don't tell children anymore not to go to Cuba to see their parents."

Cuban in the USA defends her right to visit her family in Cuba despite the criticism.

A Cuban in the USA (@atrevetebyrosy) has shared her opinion on the criticisms from many Cubans regarding those who return to the island to visit their families. In a TikTok video, this Cuban defended her decision to keep going back to see her loved ones, despite the criticism she receives.

In her message, the woman emphasizes that no one should judge those who choose to travel to the island to see their loved ones. “Gentlemen, please don’t tell a daughter that she cannot go see her parents in Cuba, nor a mother that she cannot go see her children. Here, everyone is free to do as they please,” she says at the beginning of the video. The Cuban, who has been living outside the island for 18 years, insists that she will continue traveling to support her family in Cuba as long as it is legally permitted. “Cuba is not the same for foreigners as it is for the ordinary Cuban,” she emphasizes, highlighting the difficulties her relatives face on the island.

Additionally, in her speech, she lashes out at those who criticize her for sending aid or visiting the island, asserting that her decision does not imply support for the Cuban regime, but rather simply fulfilling her duty as a daughter. "I am going to keep traveling to Cuba; if you don’t want to go, then don't go. We live in a free country, it's my money, I’m not asking you for it," she emphasizes, defending her right to use her resources to help her family.

In the comments on his TikTok post, many have shown their support and reaffirmed their decisions to return to Cuba and send money to their families. "I'm going to Cuba because I have my family, the day I can have them with me, I won't go anymore. But while they are there, I will go; nobody controls me or my money, I work hard for it," "People who have no empathy and no one there," "If you don't want to go, then don't go, but no one can tell me that I can't go see my family," "It had to be said, and it was said. My God, why do they interfere where they're not wanted, they have no life, that's why they meddle in others'," or "Don't pay attention to people who are just looking for controversy and comments; I'm going to see my son with my money and because I feel like it," said some users.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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