Cuban regime again asks residents in the U.S. to invest in the island.

The event, which highlights the regime's need for dollars, aims to bring together emigrants who do not express rejection towards the dictatorship and are in favor of the "lifting of the blockade," and who are uncritical of the totalitarian regime that prevails in Cuba through violence and manipulation.

The Cuban regime once again expressed its "admiration" for emigrants and insisted that they are "expected" back on the Island and that their investments will be welcomed as long as they are made with respect for "sovereignty and unity, and for the common good of our people."

This was expressed by voices from the Cuban foreign ministry that presided over the V National Meeting of Cubans Residing in the United States this Saturday in New York, an event intended to bring together Cuban emigrants who do not express rejection towards the dictatorship and show support for the totalitarian regime that prevails in Cuba through violence and manipulation, as well as for the "lifting of the blockade."

In the meeting of emigrants with high-ranking officials of the regime, the "update of the migration policy and essential aspects of immigration, foreign affairs, and citizenship laws" was discussed.

But it also addressed "the importance of the work of associations and Cubans residing in the United States for their humanitarian projects, and their public actions in support of the elimination of the blockade and the definitive removal of Cuba from the List of State Sponsors of Terrorism."

According to a tweet from the Cuban consulate in the United States, the event served to highlight "the reiterated commitment to an increasingly close relationship between Cuba and all Cubans residing abroad based on respect, sovereignty, and unity, for the common good of our people."

“Strengthening ties with compatriots residing in other countries is a priority for our nation,” stated the Cuban consulate in another post on X, acknowledging the regime's need for dollars from its emigrants, while hiding its hatred and fear towards the exile that demands a change to restore rights and freedoms to Cubans.

Among those present at the meeting, the Minister of Foreign Affairs (MINREX), Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, expressed his happiness at "reuniting with compatriots committed to the well-being and objectives of the people of Cuba."

"I am convinced that the debates will help strengthen Cuba's relations with its residents abroad," said the chancellor with the same conviction that the regime has in the "popular participation" in accountability assemblies as a way to "strengthen the Cuban democratic system."

At the closing of the day, the Deputy Minister of MINREX, Ana Teresita González, recalled the words expressed by the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel during the inaugural session of the tenth legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power.

"We cannot be part of the politicization of Cuban emigration that the enemy traffics in. We must defend a relationship with Cuban emigrants that makes it clear that we admire their successes and that their homeland respects them, looks upon them with pride, and awaits their return, simply hoping that they respect and defend the land that gave them birth and nurtured them with love."

A quote from Díaz-Canel, another from Martí, a cheer for "free and sovereign Cuba," and a "down with the blockade" concluded an event that highlights the lobbying of the Cuban regime with its diaspora, the political conditionality it imposes to maintain relations, as well as the terror it invokes in them by acknowledging the diversity and power of millions of Cubans who have escaped its clutches and experienced the flame of freedom.

In late September 2023, during his stay in New York to participate in the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Díaz-Canel invited Cuban Americans to invest in the economic development of Cuba and assured that all those who wanted to contribute to the country "would be welcomed."

"Know that those of us who are in Cuba, resisting, creating, and building, count on you," said Díaz-Canel. "All who want to build will be welcomed. Let us together and united fulfill the Martí desire for a Republic with all and for the good of all," insisted the leader who, as André Breton said of his colleague Salvador Dalí, bears the nickname "Avida Dollars."

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